Monday, December 23, 2019

The Sacred Bond of Divorce. An Analysis of What Marriage...

When we are born, we already have a predetermined path. Some people would argue that God has a reason for putting you on this earth, and others would say you’re a product of your upbringing and environment, others say it’s all in the genes. Some parents have their child’s path planned out straight through college. But is that where life ends? Once you’re done with college is your journey over? We are human, animals to put it simply. Since the dawn of time we have been looking for companionship, for another â€Å"soul† that is intertwined with our own. Sharing a special bond with someone is supposed to be a revelation, but throughout the centuries marriage has become so diluted that it has lost its meaning. I would like to discuss in this paper†¦show more content†¦One factor would be that marriage was the business of the two respective families that brought the 2 involved together, which would be considered arranged marriages. Another facto r to take into account is that the wife had less right and was expected to serve him and only him. Marriage was, to an extent an economic arrangement. Erwin J. Haeberle goes on to state â€Å"There was little room for romantic love† which goes to show that the continuation of the human species was the reality of the situation. I was surprised to learn though that divorce was not as uncommon as we perceive it to be back then. People would divorce when they were unhappy in their relationship, but the man always got the upper hand by being the first to decide whether to dismiss the wife. He also goes on to comment on the stress of single people making it a necessity to get married based on social stigmas. Marriage became more influenced by the church in the later centuries, during medieval times in Europe. This is when the engagement ring became more apparent. It showed betrothal and was usually between the bride’s father and the groom. Soon after during the Christian phase did the concept of marriage become a free consent, which meant it had to be consensual between the 2 parties (bride and groom). This raised the rights of the woman to new heights. Dr Robert Epstein has been studying arranged marriages for over seven years, looking at culturalShow MoreRelatedThe Ethical And Moral Issue Surrounding Marriage, Divorce, And Remarriage2230 Words   |  9 Pagesissue surrounding marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Divorce is currently extremely high in the United States, especially inside the church. After careful consideration of many different psychological journal articles, Stassen and Gushee’s perspective, and the Biblical/Christ-like perspective, it is my hope that the reader will be able to arrive at a similar moral and ethical judgement as this paper. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fighting for Hunger Free Essays

In this topic, we will see how Filipinos fighting for their hunger. We can see that there are so many people who starve to death, and the government didn’t do anything about this problem. I hate how the government didn’t do anything to solve this problem. We will write a custom essay sample on Fighting for Hunger or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many Filipinos who begging for food for them to live. My opinion here is we should help the others, if we help the others we can save a life. Starvation is not a joke we we’re talking about million lives here. The government should take an action to this issue. There are so many cases that people die because of the hunger or starvation, they die because they can’t do anything to stop their hunger, they just wait for someone to give them a food. So my opinion here is let’s stop this problem now let’s push the government to do something in this problem. If they can’t do anything then let’s encourage other people to help the people who’s in need. If the government can’t help them, I guess it’s time to help the other people for them to have a longer life. The main problem here is the government didn’t do anything to solve this problem. Many Filipinos died because of hunger or you can call it starvation. The rate of starvation in our country is increasing every year and every year the number of deaths in our country is increasing as well, it is all because of the starvation. I guess we are all aware that our country is rich in street people or you can call it as a homeless people, they are the one who experienced this problem, they can’t do anything because they don’t have any job or any money to buy their foods. We can help the by giving them a food or at least a small amount of money. In this way, we can help the others in a simple way. The problem here is why the government didn’t do anything to solve this problem, they didn’t do anything to save the others life. The fact that the government didn’t do anything, we should help the one who’s in need. If we have extra food or extra money we should give it to the people who can’t afford to buy foods. We can always start a feeding program for the hungry people. I think there are many feeding program in our country.In this way we can help others, we can save the others by giving them a food or a money. There are many ways to help the people who’s in need. If the government can’t take any action to this then I guess it’s time for us to make a move. We can help by starting a feeding program, giving a small amount of food and money to the people who’s in need. We can help others in a small way if we want to I think it’s time to help and care for the other people. Always remember that sharing is caring. How to cite Fighting for Hunger, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Management Information System For The Cosmetic Business - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Management Information System For The Cosmetic Business. Answer: Introduction This report presents an idea for starting a cosmetic business in the market for commercial purpose. It also gives the organizational structure that the business would have along with the list of the departments. This report proposes a management information system for the business. It gives an overview about the information system requirement for the organization. Products: Cosmetic Products The products that the new cosmetic business will manufacture and sell are: Eye makeup: This cosmetic company will sell several products under this category of eye makeup like eye shadow, eye liner and eye mascara. Face makeup: Face blush, face compact, foundation and face mousse are the cosmetic products that the company will manufacture and sell. Lip makeup: Different categories of lip makeup like lipsticks, lip gloss and lip balms are the cosmetic products that the new company will sell. Skincare products: Night cream, anti-aging lotion, fairness cream, moisturizer and sun protection cream are the main skincare products that the new company will sell. Makeup cleansing lotions can also be sold by the company. Nail makeup: Nail paint and nail enamel removers are the two main products that this company will manufacture and sell. Customers Women and teenage girls are the target customers of this business. The cosmetic industry is one of the leading industries with huge number of customers. There are diverse cosmetic buyers. Different category of customer has different preferences. Aged women prefer anti-aging lotions, whereas the younger generations prefer skin brightening products and moisturizers. This company will also try to target men by producing skincare products for younger boys and men. Selling these cosmetic products through direct channels will help the business to reach to a larger group of audience. Departments The main departments in this organization will be: Production: This department will monitor the quality of the products. It will deal with inventory control and production scheduling as well as planning (Kerzner 2013). The other main responsibility of this department is to decide best method of production. Research and Development: The main concern of this department will be to develop new cosmetic products or to improve the current products as well as business processes. RD activities and marketing activities are interrelated. The focus of this department will be to produce better cosmetics for fulfilling the customer needs in an effective and efficient manner. Marketing Department: The main focus of this department will be to identify and satisfy customer needs at a reasonable price. The fundamental activity of this department will be to manage the 4Ps of marketing (Armstrong et al. 2015). The 4Ps are place, promotion, price and product. Finance Department: This department will be concerned about the monetary outflow and inflow. It will monitor the payroll system of the employees. Human Resource Management: The main aim of this department will be to hire the right people for the right jobs (Hendry 2012). This department will also be responsible for providing training to the employees in an effective manner. Organizational Structure Figure 1: Organizational Chart (Source: Created by author) Top level management: The responsibility of the top management will be to develop the overall objectives and policies of the organization. This management level will monitor the performance of the business and access all the information from various units and departments. The top management team will need strategic information from the entire organization for making long term decisions (Lunenburg 2012). This level will also require strategic information from outside the organization. Top level management will require information about the revenue generated in the entire organization and the sale of cosmetic products at various locations. It will also need information about the competitors for developing competitive strategy of the organization. Middle level management: The responsibility of the middle level managers is to make decisions based on various situations. They are responsible for making short range plans, budgets and schedules. This level deals with semi structured problems. Middle level executives will need summarized reports and exception reports. Middle level management will need information for carrying out analysis (Morse, Babcock and Murthy 2014). The middle level managers of the cosmetic business will need monthly or weekly reports regarding the sale of products so that they can analyze the reason behind high or low sales level and take effective decisions. Low level management: This is the operational management level. This management level is responsible for developing short range plans like weekly production and sales target. Structured decisions are taken by low level management. This management level will need operational information based on daily activities in order to find out exceptions for reporting it to the top level of management. MIS System: MIS Development Plan MIS development plan will facilitate the cosmetic business to perform in a more effective and efficient manner. MIS system implementation requires effective planning. The goal of MIS must support the organizational goals (Laudon and Laudon 2016). The development plan must be well documented for the benefit of the business. Problem definition and development strategy: The need for adopting MIS must be identified. The MIS system must be developed in such a manner so that it has a quick response time. The initial step will be to make a development strategy. The cosmetic business can select a real time development strategy (Leau et al. 2012). This business will be benefitted by using customized external resource or vendor for MIS development. Feasibility analysis: Technical and financial feasibility will be analyzed in this stage. Several alternatives will be developed and the best choice must be selected. Design: This phase will focus on the detailed architectural design of MIS. MIS will assist the middle level managers to collect data from the TPS and generate reports. Logical as well as physical designing of the MIS will be done in this phase. Implementation and programming: The design will be converted into programmable code for the purpose of implementation. Testing and installation: This phase will focus on testing the functionalities of the software. It will verify whether the software is fit for the business use. System testing will be followed by installation and system maintenance on a regular basis. Need for Information System This cosmetic business will need MIS for providing the managers with tools for organizing, evaluating and efficiently managing business operations (Laudon and Laudon 2016). This system will provide a centralized database to the management. MIS will be able to collect data from the lower level and enable the managers to generate summarized report. MIS is needed for effectively operating the inventory, financial, sales and HRM system of the business. MIS will enhance the satisfaction level of the customers (Bajdor and Grabara 2014). It is also required for providing up-to-date information for the development of effective strategies. This cosmetic business will require sales, budgeting, HRM system and inventory control management information system. MIS is required for supporting semi- structured and structured decision making by using internal information of the organization. The non functional requirement of MIS will be its strong security features, easy backup process, platform independence, simple process of data migration, flexible and high performance. MIS system will need HTTP for data transmission as it will use internet. Different organizational level will need different information systems (Willcocks 2013). The top management will need decision support system, the middle level managers will need the MIS and the low level managers will need TPS. Technology for Information System The cosmetic business can adopt SAP ERP software for the purpose of automating the flow of information and improving the effectiveness of the business. ERP system will integrate the information from various departments and store it in a centralized database (Leon 2014). This will enable the business to enhance its operational efficiency by streamlining the processes. It will also present accurate and real-time information to the managers for making effective decisions. Conclusion It can be concluded from this report that the proposed cosmetic business will need MIS for the purpose of generating more revenue and enhancing operational efficiency. This report showed the different informational need of the various management levels. It also gave an overview of the MIS development plan along with its various phases like problem definition, feasibility study, design and implementation. References Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015.Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. Bajdor, P. and Grabara, I., 2014. The Role of Information System Flows in Fulfilling Customers Individual Orders.Journal of Studies in Social Sciences,7(2). Hendry, C., 2012.Human resource management. Routledge. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Laudon, K.C. and Laudon, J.P., 2016.Management information system. Pearson Education India. Leau, Y.B., Loo, W.K., Tham, W.Y. and Tan, S.F., 2012. Software development life cycle AGILE vs traditional approaches. InInternational Conference on Information and Network Technology(Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 162-167). Leon, A., 2014.Enterprise resource planning. McGraw-Hill Education. Lunenburg, F.C., 2012. Organizational structure: Mintzbergs framework.International journal of scholarly, academic, intellectual diversity,14(1), pp.1-8. Morse, L.C., Babcock, D.L. and Murthy, M., 2014.Managing engineering and technology. Pearson. Willcocks, L., 2013.Information management: the evaluation of information systems investments. Springer.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The process of writing can be a tedious one for so Essays

The process of writing can be a tedious one for some, and a piece of cake for others. When the subject of a writing method is discussed one barely looks into the details of why, instead absent mindedly do them as if it were second nature. Today I'll be looking into my own flaws for once, and record a specific habit this particular indulgence has been a very hard one to not do, I'm talking about pacing. The reason for such research is to note and become aware of how it'll affect me, and for what purpose I do it. The hypothesis is that I'll be more efficient without it, and it will be nothing more than a nasty habit. I was first told of this habit by my mother who would catch me up and pacing as a child when handed a boring task, I still continue this habit as an adult and have adapted to different situations to control it. Methodology I needed a timer and a camera to do this experiment, also two essays in which I had to turn in this week (not counting this one). I was in my dorm typing on my laptop record the first, daydreaming and writing a sentence every 10 seconds or so, it was a Wednesday afternoon, and it seemed to be going smoothly ( I reserve my concentration for when I'm revising). It seemed very easy, and I was able to get done, although it was extremely slow, it felt like 4 hours . The second paper was a little harder to write, I didn't get out of my seat and eventually dealt with writers block, my work became more generic, given that I was just trying to get done, and thinking became a tedious task. As I've said before all I needed was a video camera a seat and desk, as well as a topic, in which I can easily provide for myself, the middle portion or the body of the essay was the most excruciating moment. I did both experiments one after the other and found the results to be diffe rent than what I had anticipated. Results As you can see, the results of each method look quite different from one another, and in no way are similar. I created a chart based on what I saw in the video, and timed how long I walked and what got done as a result. Time pacing Time finished 1)3:00 2)4:00 3)40 seconds 4)5:17 Total : 16:17 48:34(with pacing) 0 45 seconds(to go to the bathroom) 1:57:42 Like any other paper I seemed to be exhausted by the second one where as the first, I found my self refreshed every time I came back. I believe that I can beat this habit although I don't know if it can become useful in certain situations. On a side note, it seemed like I was wrong, day dreaming gets it done quicker, but it comes in a sloppy manner, and ALOT of rewriting is required. In conclusion it's safe to say I have a conflict when it comes to whether or not I should give up this habit once and for all. Although it's a nice way to deal with stress, the perspective of the situation also depends on whether or not it's needed. I really wish I could just dive into a paper, sit still and not move so much, pacing also seems to be triggered by music, and so is daydreaming meaning that the essay would've taken longer than necessary. Should I give up this habit or embrace it, and attempt to control it over the right situation? (E.g. creativity etc.).

Monday, November 25, 2019

Great Locomotive Chase in the American Civil War

Great Locomotive Chase in the American Civil War The Great Locomotive Chase took place April 12, 1862, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Also known as the Andrews Raid, the mission saw civilian scout James J. Andrews lead a small force of disguised Union soldiers south to Big Shanty (Kennesaw), GA with the goal of stealing a locomotive and sabotaging the Western Atlantic Railroad between Atlanta, GA and Chattanooga, TN. Though they successfully captured the the locomotive General, Andrews and his men were quickly pursued and proved unable to do meaningful damage to the railroad. Forced to abandon General near Ringgold, GA, all of the raiders were ultimately captured by Confederate forces. Background In early 1862, Brigadier General Ormsby Mitchel, commanding Union troops in central Tennessee, began planning to advance on Huntsville, AL before attacking towards the vital transportation hub of Chattanooga, TN. Though eager to take the latter city, he lacked sufficient forces to block any Confederate counterattacks from Atlanta, GA to the south. Moving north from Atlanta, Confederate forces could quickly arrive in the Chattanooga area by using the Western Atlantic Railroad. Aware of this issue, civilian scout James J. Andrews proposed a raid designed sever the rail connection between the two cities. This would see him lead a force south to seize a locomotive. Steaming north, his men would destroy tracks and bridges in their wake. Andrews had proposed a similar plan to Major General Don Carols Buell earlier in the spring which called for a force to destroy railroads in western Tennessee. This had failed when the engineer did not appear at the designated rendezvous. Approving Andrews scheme, Mitchel directed him to select volunteers from Colonel Joshua W. Sills brigade to aid in the mission. Selecting 22 men on April 7, he was also joined by experienced engineers William Knight, Wilson Brown, and John Wilson. Meeting with the men, Andrews directed them to be in Marietta, GA by midnight on April 10. Great Railroad Chase Conflict: American Civil War (1861-1865)Dates: April 12, 1862Forces Commanders:UnionJames J. Andrews26 menConfederacyVariousCasualties:Union: 26 capturedConfederates: None Moving South Over the next three days, the Union men slipped through the Confederate lines disguised in civilian attire. If questioned, they had been provided with a cover story explaining that they were from Fleming County, KY and were looking for a Confederate unit in which to enlist. Due to heavy rains and rough travel, Andrews was forced to delay the raid by a day. All but two of the team arrived and were in a position to begin operations on April 11. Meeting early the next morning, Andrews issued final instructions to his men which called for them to board the train and sit in the same car. They were to do nothing until the train reached Big Shanty at which point Andrews and the engineers would take the locomotive while the others uncoupled most of the trains cars. James J. Andrews. Public Domain Stealing General Departing Marietta, the train arrived in Big Shanty a short time later. Though the depot was surrounded by Confederate Camp McDonald, Andrews had selected it as the point for taking over the train as it did not have a telegraph. As a result, the Confederates at Big Shanty would have to ride to Marietta in order to alert the authorities farther north. Shortly after the passengers disembarked to take breakfast at the Lacey Hotel, Andrews gave the signal. While he and the engineers boarded the locomotive, named General, his men uncoupled the passenger cars and jumped into three box cars. Applying the throttle, Knight began to ease the train out of the yard. As the train pulled out of Big Shanty, its conductor, William A. Fuller, saw it depart through the window of the hotel. The Chase Begins Raising the alarm, Fuller began to organize a pursuit. Up the line, Andrews and his men were nearing Moons Station. Pausing, they cut the nearby telegraph line before proceeding. In an effort not to arouse suspicion, Andrews directed the engineers to move at a normal speed and to maintain the trains normal schedule. After passing through Acworth and Allatoona, Andrews stopped and had his men remove a rail from the tracks. Though time-consuming, they were successful and placed it in one of the box cars. Pushing on, they crossed the large, wooden railroad bridge over the Etowah River. Reaching the other side, they spotted the locomotive Yonah which was on spur line running to nearby iron works. Despite it being surrounded by men, Knight recommended destroying the engine as well as the Etowah bridge. Unwilling to start a fight, Andrews declined this advice despite the bridge being a target of the raid. Fullers Pursuit Having seen General depart, Fuller and other members of the trains crew began running after it. Reaching Moons Station on foot, they were able to obtain a handcar and continued down the line. Derailed at the stretch of damaged track, they were able to place the handcar back on the rails and reached Etowah. Finding Yonah, Fuller took over the locomotive and moved it onto the main line. As Fuller raced north, Andrews and his men paused at Cass Station to refuel. While there, he informed one of the station employees that they were carrying ammunition north for General P.G.T. Beauregards army. To aid the trains progress, the employee gave Andrews the days train schedule. Steaming into Kingston, Andrews, and General were forced to wait for over an hour. This was due to the fact that Mitchel had not delayed his offensive and Confederate trains were racing towards Huntsville. Shortly after General departed, Yonah arrived. Unwilling to wait for the tracks to clear, Fuller and his men switched to the locomotive William R. Smith which was on the other side of the traffic jam. To the north, General paused to cut the telegraph lines and remove another rail. As the Union men finished their work, they heard the whistle of William R. Smith in the distance. Passing a southbound freight train, pulled by the locomotive Texas, at Adairsville, the raiders became concerned about being pursued and increased their speed. Texas Gains To the south, Fuller spotted the damaged tracks and succeeded in halting William R. Smith. Leaving the locomotive, his team moved north on foot until meeting Texas. Taking over the train, Fuller had it move in reverse to Adairsville where the freight cars were uncoupled. He then continued chasing General with just Texas. Stopping again, Andrews cut the telegraph wires north of Calhoun before proceeding to the Oostanaula Bridge. A wood structure, he had hoped to burn the bridge and efforts were made using one of the box cars. Though a fire was started, the heavy rain of past several days prevented it from spreading to the bridge. Leaving the burning box car, they departed. The Mission Fails Shortly thereafter, they saw Texas arrive on the span and push the box car off the bridge. In an attempt to slow Fullers locomotive, Andrews men threw railroad ties on the tracks behind them but with little effect. Though quick fuel stops were made at Greens Wood Station and Tilton for wood and water, the Union men were unable to fully replenish their stocks. After passing through Dalton, they again cut the telegraph lines but were too late to prevent Fuller from getting a message through to Chattanooga. Racing through Tunnel Hill, Andrews was unable to stop to damage it due to the proximity of Texas. With the enemy nearing and Generals fuel nearly depleted, Andrews directed his men to abandon the train just short of Ringgold. Jumping to the ground, they scattered into the wilderness. Aftermath Fleeing the scene, Andrews and all of his men began moving west toward the Union lines. Over the next several days, the entire raiding party was captured by Confederate forces. While the civilian members of Andrews group were considered unlawful combatants and spies, the entire group was charged with acts of unlawful belligerency. Tried in Chattanooga, Andrews was found guilty and hanged in Atlanta on June 7. Seven others were later tried and hanged on June 18. Of the remainder, eight, who were concerned about meeting a similar fate, successfully escaped. Those who remained in Confederate custody were exchanged as prisoners of war on March 17, 1863. Many of the members of the Andrews Raid were among the first to receive the new Medal of Honor. Though a dramatic series of events, the Great Locomotive Chase proved a failure for Union forces. As a result, Chattanooga did not fall to Union forces until September 1863 when it was taken by Major General William S. Rosecrans. Despite this setback, April 1862 saw notable successes for Union forces as Major General Ulysses S. Grant won the Battle of Shiloh and Flag Officer David G. Farragut captured New Orleans.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Analysis of Elie Wiesels Night

The Holocaust has changed the lives of many people. The surviving people are talking a lot of terrible stories. Because their experience is too shocking to express in terms of words, many survivors are scared so that they can not tell their stories. Eli Wiesel overcomes this fear by publicly spreading the survival period of the Holocaust. His powerful and moving touch Night touched the hearts of many people and taught a good lesson to his readers. He teaches how the world can change in the worst case in a short time. He wants to make sure that if the world does not learn from the atrocities of the Holocaust, perhaps they will be able to learn something from Erie's own personal experience. The book Night by Elie Wiesel is a reminiscence of the Holocaust about the author's experience during the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel was born in Sighet in Transylvania in 1928. A book named Night is said by a boy named Eliezer. Eliezer is the representative of the author. Elie Wiesel said that the story is not about his experience, but most of the events in the novel are based on the life of Elie Wiesel. Elie and Eliezer's experience has subtle differences. This novel starts with Zeek in Transylvania. The night of Elie Wiesel is an iconic book whose headline represents the pain, pain, and most important death witnessed by childhood experience in the concentration camp in Elie Wiesel. Elie Wiesel, born in Shige in Transylvania, is from the Jews and is very interested in traditional Jewish religious studies. The Wiesel family (related to his three sisters, mother and father) was eradicated at Siguet's house and brought to Auschwitz as part of the massacre. Eli separated from his mother and three sisters at the Auschwitz concentration camp, surviving in Auschwitz, Buna, Buchenwald, Gleevitz. Eliezer Wiesel's night's reaction to the night 1. What is your writing? Night is autobiography of a man named Eliezer Wiesel. During World War II, autobiography was a very alarming record of Erie 's childhood camp in the Nazi of Auschwitz and Bouhenwald. In the evening it is a testimony to Erie Wiesel about his experience in the Holocaust, but Wiesel is not exactly the protagonist of this story. That night I was told by a boy named Eliezer called Eliezer, but the details separated Eliezer from the real Elie. The purpose of Elie Wiesel's Night Book is to analyze Night, an autobiographical record of terrible experience at Elie Wiesel's German concentration camp. Wiesel talks about the traumatic time of his life, whose purpose is to not let people forget the tragedy that others have to suffer. An important theme introduced at Night is that these devastating experiences have changed the view of life of the victims. By providing an abstract, criticism and certificate by the author Elie Wiesel, this

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Financial Markets and the Real Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Financial Markets and the Real Economy - Essay Example In this perspective, recorded economy includes all economic activities within a country that are recordable and reported through gathering of appropriate statistics (Bailey 78). Non-monetized economy on a different perspective refers to all economic activities that are linked to self-consumption. Therefore, real economy is a composition of all the aspects of economic activities within a given nation. Overview of Financial Markets Financial market on the other hand refers to a place where buyers and sellers (individuals and entities) meet to trade on assets that include equities, currencies, derivatives, and bonds. In most cases financial markets are referred to as stock markets. Amazingly, financial markets are as old as humanity. Financial markets started the moment mankind settled down to engaging in serious activities of growing crops and exchanging them with other crops. Despite this aspect of trade was known as barter, there were some financial markets aspects within the trade. For instance, there are possibilities that some people due to one reason or another attain bad harvest (Levinson 99). However, with the bad harvest such individuals had to struggle and obtain a way of farming and obtaining food for their families. In so doing, there was the aspect of obtaining credit hence the assertion that financial markets are as old as humankind. With advancements and developments, financial markets in the contemporary business environment have taken a totally different shape. There are many forms of financial markets currently all of which have their specific purposes to accomplish. In addition, financial markets developments and advancements have led to formation of highly organized markets like the...This essay attempts to create an understanding of the link between real economy and financial markets, adding to the numerous debates, articles, and studies on the link between financial markets and real economy Real economy is part of economy concerned with actual production of goods and service within a country. Real economy in most cases is referred to as the total economy, which encompasses all the economic components such as economic activities, both monetized and non-monetized transactions, official and unofficial, and all transactions or activities that take place between rural and urban areas Financial markets serve functions in which they are formed or mandated to within a given economy. The first fundamental function that financial markets perform is that of setting price. Through determining the exchange rates, financial markets have the vista of providing price discovery. The second fundamental function of financial markets is the valuation of assets. Through determining market prices, financial markets are in a position of valuing assets Economists believe that a powerful measurement of economic performance is only attainable through obtaining a marginal value of wealth from asset markets. Other than the fact that real economy impacts positively and negatively on financial markets, it is inevitable that financial markets also affect real economy either positively or negatively. In most cases, real economy benefits or is disadvantaged from the various functions of financial markets.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Critical review of an exhibition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical review of an exhibition - Essay Example The exhibition, called Boiseries, are actually installations that are real-life interpretations of French rooms that were en vogue in 18th century France. Particularly, the artist tried to recreate two rooms: the first, a room from the Hotel de Crillon; and the other, from the Hotel de Cabris. As in any installation exhibit, the visitor here would have to enter into the experience, than merely assuming an spectator's perspective. The Hotel de Crillon room interpretation is found in the Lila Acheson Wallace Wing's south mezzanine gallery. This is an enclosed affair wherein one has to make use of several mirrors in order to see what is inside. The experience is quite surreal and evokes a kind of voyeuristic taint as the effect of the presentation places the visitor in a real and fantastic setting at the same time. It is like there is a high degree of intimacy involved brought about by the proximity to the installation, but the mirrors provided enough distance for detachment. It is diff icult to describe the room in its entirety but it is like a piece of precious porcelain, which can be pretty to look at but one needs to be really careful because it breaks easy. The stark white interior of the room adorned with the liquid hue of glasses offered several scenes of artistic composition that are effectively framed by the mirrors.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Nazi Consolidation of Power in 1933 Essay Example for Free

Nazi Consolidation of Power in 1933 Essay The potential limits to Hitlers power were considerable. it must be remembered that Hitler was appointed as chancellor of the Weimar republic and as leader of a cross-party cabinet that included only three Nazis: Hitler as chancellor, Wilhelm frick as minister for the interior and hermann goring as minister without portfolio. the vice-chancellor was to be Franz von papen and other parties of the right were well represented. Hugenburg of the DNVP was put in charge of the Economics Ministry and Franz Seldte of the stalhelm was made minister of Labor. The establishment that had brought Hitler to power held the reins of power and did not expect to lose control. the most powerful politician in Germany in 1933 was president Hindenburg, and Hitler had to work with a number of powerful establishment figures from the newly appointed vice-chancellor von papen to the soon to be president of the reichsbank and economics minister hjalmar Schacht. Behind von Hindenburgs power was not just his prestige as president but the army, which, although still at the size set by the Versailles agreement, was highly influential. he new chancellors scope for action was also constrained by the power of institutions from the Reichstag to local government. the civil service, churches and press all stood as potential barriers to the nazification of the political system. Hitlers sworn ideological enemies on the left wielded considerable power through the trade unions. in many urban areas, such as Berlin, the Nazi vote in the general election in November 1932 was as low as 22. 5 per cent (as opposed to a national figure of 33. 1 per cent). ust as the Nazis had risen from obscurity to power on the back of considerable discontent with the political systems inability to deal with Germanys economic problems, so the Nazis now had to deliver (or at least be seen delivering). As with nearly all governments, Hitlers regime would be primarily judged on the state of the economy. for many within Germanys politically important middle class, the violence and thuggery of elements of the Nazi movement was of deep concern. For the Hilarity regime to establish broad political consensus, it needed to be perceived to be legitimate. law-abiding and respectable. so the obstacles to the creation of a Nazi dictatorship were many, and, on first inspection, seemingly insurmountable. Even from within the Nazi movement, Hitler faced pressure from the SA and radicals to implement the Nazi revolution. Enduring obstacles Despite these significant obstacles, the Nazi regime had, to a considerable le extent, consolidated power by the end of 1933. There were a number of reasons: There were high levels of collaboration of individuals and institutions with the regime because there were aspects of that government that they recognised and supported. This will be studied in greater detail in the next unit. The Nazis deployed propaganda effectively as a means of deceiving the political nation and beyond both of their real intentions and the significance of their actions. They managed to use terror and violence with efficient ruthlessness. The use of violence was balanced by the attempt by the attempt to ensure that the consolidation of power had the veneer of legality. the Nazi leaders were pragmatic ion their understanding that their revolution had to be achieved by legal means for it to be acceptable to the vast majority of the German population. Those who believed that they had tamed Hitler and his movement were to be proved very much mistaken. Although his Appeal to the German People broadcast on 1st February was conservative in nature, the Sa began to wreak revenge on the enemies of National Socialism. A decree in Prussia (which had fallen under the jurisdiction of Reich Commissioner Goering) 21 days later resulted in the police being reinforced by volunteers, i. e. the SA. The widely perceived threat of a communist seizure of power is the crucial factor in explaining how the Nazis were able to quickly undermine the constitution of the Weimar Republic. It also explains why so many non-Nazi groups were prepared to go along with the initial phase of Gleichschaltung (coordination). the national community promised by Hitler before and after becoming chancellor on 30th January 1933, the strength of the communist movement in Germany and its potential to challenge the Nazis was real. In the two elections of 1932, the Communist Party had seen its share of the vote increase from 14. 3 per cent in July to 16. 9 per cent in November. on the streets the red front fighters League matched the SA. The socialists were even stronger. Their paramilitary wing, the Reichsbanner, dominated the streets in a number of towns and cities in Germany. In the election of November 1932 the socialist SPD party received 20. 4 per cent of the vote. In his speech to the nation from the Sports Palace in Berlin on 10 February 1933, Hitler made it very clear that it was his intention to destroy the Marxist threat of both communism and socialism. Failure of the left The failure of the communists and the socialist movement to challenge Hitlers chancellorship was due to their misreading of the situation. he communists believed that Hitlers government would not last. their ideological beliefs led them to conclude that Hitlers appointment as chancellor signified a crisis in the capitalist system that would inevitably lead to political and economic collapse and the victory of communism in Germany. therefore, they concluded, the best tactic was to do nothing and wait. This was despite clear provocations: The appointment of 50,000 SA, SS an d Stalhelm (nationalist paramilitary0 members as auxiliary policeman on 22nd February led to a wave of violence against communists and socialists across Germany. On 24 February the police raided and ransacked the head office of the KPD. Hermann Goring claimed that evidence was discovered during the raid that pointed to a communist conspiracy to seize power through force. The SPD leadership were unsure how to respond. to react violently would play into the hands of the Nazi leadership, which was clearly intent on undermining the ability of the socialists to function effectively as a political movement; the Nazis had already attempted to close down a number of socialist newspapers, and SA members frequently disrupted political meetings. Equally damaging to the ability of the left to effectively oppose the Nazis was the split between the communist and socialist parties. Although many on the left argued for the creation of a unity front, there was no agreement on how this should be formed. Indeed, the hatred the communists had for the socialists was only matched by the hatred they had for the fascists. The Reichstag fire and its aftermath There is no doubt that Hitler believed his own propaganda that communists aimed to stage a takeover of power. On the night of 27 February a young Dutchman, Marinus van der Lubbe, set fire to the Reichstag as a protest at the repression of the working class. Hitler and the Nazi leadership ignored the initial evidence that van der Lubbe had acted alone and concluded that the fire was the first act in the long awaited communist backlash. It gave the regime its opportunity to crush the communists and suspend a number of parts of the Weimar constitution. Most importantly, it gave the Nazis the opportunity to use legal means to begin the seizure of power. Crucial to the seizure of power was the issuing of the emergency decree For the Protection of People and State on 28 February. Interestingly, the decree was first suggested by Ludwig Grauert, who was an advisor to Goring and as much a nationalist as a Nazi. The rights of freedom of speech, a free press and freedom of assembly enshrined in the Weimar constitution were suspended, and the police were given powers to detain suspects indefinitely without reference to the courts. The important clause 2 of the decree allowed the cabinet to intervene in the government of the states (Lander) that, together, formed Germany. This power was previously the prerogative of the President, and the clause marked a significant shift in power. Immediately Gobbels ensured that the Nazi propaganda machine portrayed the decree as a necessary step in the battle against communism, and, for that reason, it was widely welcomed. The decree is a very good example of how the Nazis were keen to ensure there was a legal front to their activities despite the fact that in reality the decree signalled the collapse of the rule of law. Indeed, Hitler stated explicitly in a cabinet meeting on 28th February that the struggle against the communists must not be made dependency on judicial considerations. in the coming months his words were adhered to as the decree was used to justify the arrest, imprisonment and often torture of thousands of political opponents. The leader of the KPD, Ernst Thalmann, was arrested on 3 March, and 25,000 political prisoners were in custody in Prussia alone by the end of April.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Two Romantic poems concerning nature are To Autumn by John Keats Essay

Two Romantic poems concerning nature are To Autumn by John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s To a Skylark. These two poems celebrate different aspects of nature: ‘Compare how nature is presented two Romantic poems’ Poets of the Romantic Era tried to express their feelings of beauty, nature and decay through poems and other means of literature. Two Romantic poems concerning nature are â€Å"To Autumn† by John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley’s â€Å"To a Skylark†. These two poems celebrate different aspects of nature: as the title of the poem suggests â€Å"To Autumn† is about the season of autumn, whereas â€Å"To a Skylark† is about a skylark, a miniscule bird that is famous for its song. Percy Bysshe Shelley compares the skylark to many different beautiful things to show that the skylark is far more superior to them. The vivid use of imagery throughout the two poems attracts the reader's interest and conveys the writers' creativity. Both of the poems are packed with imagery which not only shows their uniqueness but also the intensity and sophistication of the poets. The first stanza in â€Å"To Autumn† concerns itself with extolling the beauty and floridity of autumn, appealing to the senses of sight and taste. The first line immediately arouses visual senses with â€Å"mists and mellow fruitfulness†. Keats uses â€Å"mellow† to depict the colour of autumn, this is most likely to be the rustic colour of ripe fruits and leaves. The purpose of â€Å"fruitfulness† reminds us of the harvest. The reason that Keats chose â€Å"mists† is to remind us that we have more than just the sense of sight. If something is misty it is unclear and perhaps we have to rely on other senses more. Taste is also displayed in the first stanza; Keats refers to the â€Å"sw... questions of which he reflects on and reaches conclusions to. In terms of the way nature is presented, â€Å"To Autumn† is more tangible since we can identify with most of the images presented whereas â€Å"To a Skylark† is based on opinion and the personal feelings and emotions of Percy Bysshe Shelley. John Keats used imagery to depict the different aspects of autumn but Shelley uses imagery to create a mystical environment. The poems have different sounds: â€Å"To a Skylark† is a poem of many questions and â€Å"To Autumn† has a number of words being emphasised to create a long period of time and giving a general feeling of abundance. The Romanticists wanted to express their opinions of beauty, nature and decay and certainly John Keats and Percy Bysshe Shelley have conveyed them strongly and use poetry to admirable effect; they have certainly been heard by the world.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Sandy and Her Beautiful Sisters

In this story we'll meet Sandy, who Is the â€Å"Cinderella† of this modern fairytale. She Is goodhearted, motherly, caring, modest and helpful. Sandy good looking thing' Is her long, thick, curly hair, which she has been complimented on a few times. She Is an Independent and modern woman, but one day she decides to make a plan for her future. First of all she wants to shut her ears to the sisters' compliments, secondly she wants to lose weight and thirdly she will let Danny. One of the sisters' old boyfriends, sleep with her. Just for practice so she would be ready hen the prince of her life shows up.Even though Sandy's plan seems attainable it is not as effective as Sandy wished. Sandy becomes pregnant after sleeping with Danny, and the Cinderella dream crumbles. Suddenly Sandy is both single and pregnant. The sisters try to convince Sandy that she is beautiful and there is a man, somewhere out there, waiting for her and wants her. But Sandy doesn't believe them at all. The sisters are taking Sandy for granted, might because they don't has a clue about that Sandy, a later time in the story, gets her own life and her own things to do than to do everything for them.The sisters are might Jealous of the skills Sandy got, she is a good cooker and to keep the house clean. The most supportive and helpful person in the story is Mrs.. Fairy, Sandy fairy godmother. She helps Sandy to take a chance and do something about her life. Mrs.. Fairy is what Sandy needs in her life, a person who can speak clearly and precisely to her. Sandy takes her first ‘step' on her way, after she has spoken with Mrs.. Fairy. So actually, it's because of Mrs.. Fairy that Sandy finds her happiness. In all fairytale there is a prince in this one is It Sam Prince,Sandy's Prince Charming. Even though the three sisters all wanted him, and the fact of the two eldest being beautiful it was still Sandy and her cooking who won the prince. With help from Mrs.. Fairy. Sandy sister's lives In the two large Intercommunicating rooms at the front of the Pelham flat, which they all shared, Sandy lives In the smallest room, with a good view over the garden. This Is a kind of symbol of their familiarity and much stronger bonds with each other, Harriet and Helena, compared to their younger sister Sandy.It was Sandy own choice to live In the smallest room. The story Is based on the moral, It doesn't matter If you are beautiful or not, you can still have anything you want, If you fight for It. The writer proves his/her point by showing Sandy that she can get the man of her dreams. That they all three had wanted, as a reader, you see that beauty isn't the most important thing, as it sometimes may appear, but that Sandy cooking skills brought her further, than the sisters astonishing looks, and will last forever, in contrast to beauty, w c w I leaser Walt

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Settings of Dracula

With castles, hidden streets, waterways, recurring rainy weather, interesting European architecture, and mystique, London is the perfect location for Bram Stoker's Dracula. London: The capital of Great Britain, and the center of attention in the nineteenth century, due to the many incidents that were going on at the time. The novel includes many daunting scenes, such as when Dracula heaves a sack withholding a deceased child before three female vampires. It is no surprise why he choose London to be the setting of his novel. London is â€Å"exotic† and unknown. Stoker is obviously inspired by London's castles, hidden streets, and church yards. Because of all of these points, London is the perfect gothic setting for Stoker's â€Å"Dracula. † London is recognized for its grand castles. Stoker may have been motivated to use these in his novel describing Dracula's estate in London, â€Å"Carfax† and also his castle in Transylvania. This is illustrated when Mr. Harker arrives at Dracula's home â€Å"up a great winding stair, and along another great passage great passage, on whose stone floor our steps rang heavily. At the end of this he threw open a heavy door, and I rejoiced to see within a well-lit room in which a table was spread for supper and whose mighty hearth a great fire of logs, freshly replenished, flamed and flared. † (Stoker,13). High small windows, arched ceilings, and solid stone walls are also typical for the gothic architecture. These characteristics make the building cold, dark, and forbidding. For example, the text says about the castle in Transylvania that â€Å"The Count halted, putting down my bags, closed the door, and crossing the room, opened another door, which led into a small octagonal room lit by a single lamp, and seemingly without a window of any sort† (13) and . â€Å".. a vast ruined castle, from those tall black windows came no ray of light and whose broken battlements showed a jagged line against the moonlight sky† (11). Everything is difficult to see. For example, dimming lights and dark thick walls are characteristics of this type of architecture. Overall the count's castle looks like the cathedrals in the thirteenth century. It is a copy of a medieval building. London is also a perfect location for this novel not only because of its buildings, but also because of its weather and its scenery. London (or Great Britain in general) is an island, therefore, it is surrounded by water. This makes it â€Å"isolated† from the main land. It makes it problematic to reach. This is why Dracula has to go by ship when he leaves Transylvania to go to London. People often connect harbors with something frightening and you can see harbors in many horror movies. Because of the surrounding water and the rough European climate, there is a lot fog and rain. These are the ideal conditions for Dracula to follow through with his killings. He can â€Å"call† for the fog and the rain. In the nineteenth century, London streets were very small and hidden with little lighting. This helps to create the fearsome setting for the novel. Smoke is created by enormous factories making a creepy backdrop for the terrible things to come. Numerous churches and cathedrals also create a fear-provoking â€Å"flair. These churches are built in gothic â€Å"dark† style. For example, the â€Å"Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows†, is built in this medieval manner. London also includes a considerable amount of beautiful, but creepy, churchyards. Ffor example, in the part when Lucy is constantly sleepwalking and Mina finds her in the churchyard talking about â€Å"his red eyes†, . â€Å".. from where I was I ran on to the entrance of the ch urchyard†¦ † (79). Of course these churchyards are used as a scary setting, like in many horror books or movies. The House of Commons was non-democratically elected. The Bill, caused by the temperance movement, didn't create a democracy in England, but it did enfranchise the British’s middle class. The Temperance movement was typical for the Victorian era. It surround the idea that the middle-class should have self-control and self-denial. These values were shaped both by Evangelicalism and by Utilitarianism. There were also contemporary views on the Reform Act in 1832. So the Reform Bill and the issues on the Reform Act got everybody's attention, what makes London even more interesting. In 1854 there were also several law for women passed. This could be the reason for Mina Harker and her friend, Lucy, to play such an important role in Stoker's book. In this time era, women believed that they should always be protected by the strong men. Because of this, Bram Stoker maybe wanted to draw the attention on the women. The marriage of Mina Harker and Jonathan Harker could may have been a result of the Chancellor Cranworth's Marriage and Divorce Bill passed in 1955. Another point of attention was also the Peterloo Massacre in 1899. A public meeting took place at Westminster on March 28th and in June. Another important piece of information is that London became a massive place with book-keepers, authors, and clerks. This is why many newspaper presses came to London. Stoker could have been stimulated by this and wrote the part, where Mina did research about this article, where the mysterious ship came into the harbor (how already mentioned above). Or it could have been the growth of shipping, caused by the famous clippers, which made it possible to import tea from China to the Thames. The whole story of Dracula could have been also been caused by the widespread poverty and crime in this time. Because of all these facts about London, the castles, the hidden streets, the waterways, the recurring raining weather, the interesting European architecture, and the mystique surrounding this city, Bram Stoker chose this special and fascinating city as the setting for his novel. London is just like made for settings in scary novels or even movies. Especially in the nineteenth century, with all the gothic buildings and all its frightening churchyards. Of course, everybody in this time knew London for this. London was not only well known because of these aspects, but also because London was the capital of its whole empire. So Bram Stoker could not have selected a better gothic setting for his disturbing novel â€Å"Dracula. † Works cited: -Wolffg. , John. â€Å"Gothic† 2002. Online. 5-20-03 www. clc. edu/~wolffg/gateway/gothic. html -Roumpou, Eleni. Is Dracula a gothic novel? † 9-19-00. Online. 5-20-02. www. hausarbeiten. de/faecher/hausarbeit/anl/1106. html -Jackson, Lee. â€Å"Victorian London-Architecture-Victorian Architecture† 2000. Online. 5-20-03 www. victorianlondon. org -Halsall, Paul. â€Å"19th Century Britain† 1-30-99. Online. 5-21-03. www. fordham. edu/halsaall/mod/modsbook20. html -Johnson, Jane. â€Å"19th Cent ury London† 2001. Online. 5-21-03. www. Britannia. com -Smith, Rebecca. â€Å"The Temperance Movement and class struggle in Victorian England† 1993. Online. 5-21-03. www. loyno. edu/~history/journal/1992-3/smith. html

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Accounting Scandal at WorldCom Essays

The Accounting Scandal at WorldCom Essays The Accounting Scandal at WorldCom Paper The Accounting Scandal at WorldCom Paper WorldCom is a telecommunication company that evolves from a merger between Long Distance Discount Services, Inc (LDDS) and Advantage Companies in August 1989. Eight years later in 1997, WorldCom announced another multi-billion merger with MCI Communications that was worth US$37 billion. The mega merger became the largest merger in terms of value in the 20th century. Unfortunately, after the acquisition of MCI, telecommunication industry experienced a downturn that forced telecommunication companies to restructure their finance. The situation also occurred at WorldCom in which in 2000, the company’s stock was plummeting and Ebbers as the corporate CEO had responsibility to cover this WorldCom stock margin calls that used to finance other’s Ebbers business. To overcome this problem, Ebbers forced WorldCom’s Board of Directors to give corporate loans that accounted for $400 millions to cover the margin calls that emerge, but this effort has failed. To hide this failed financial condition, Buford Yates as Director of General Accounting under direction of Scott Sullivan as CFO used insincere accounting method by create bogus financial records and profitability to increase the value of WorldCom’s stock. This evil action commenced in 1999 and run until May 2002. Scandal at WorldCom 2. 1. Facts According to several articles discussing the WorldCom scandal, we find that this fraudulent happened due to support from the corporate managements. There are many underlying facts behind the scandals as following (‘How Did’, 2002): WorldCom executives committed accounting fraud that pushed the company to be the largest bankruptcy in the US. The insincerity was hidden from stakeholders and public but disclosed in 2002 Several employments show evidences like hiding bad debt and understating costs that proven the insincerity discovered as early as 2001; however, WorldCom’s Board of Directors did not pay attention to this claim. In June 2001, there were stakeholders that do prosecution against WorldCom but it was elapsing due to lack of evidences. II. 2. Ethical Guidelines WorldCom scandal represents the biggest mistake in American business. WorldCom was proven to violate many ethical guidelines by committing insincerity in providing financial figures to stakeholders and public; some of the violation are as following: Customer commitment Ought to be a big company, WorldCom must hold the trust given by customers by delivering good services. However, customers’ trusts were violated for personal business. Stakeholders’ commitment Public commitment As a public company, WorldCom have responsibility to public to provide true corporate figures. After WorldCom Bankruptcy, stakeholders and investors had low confidence towards financial statement of corporations that caused the slow growth of stock markets. II. 3. Who Was Affected? The bankruptcy of WorldCom presents a domino effect in all of sector, especially at stocks market and telecommunication services. When WorldCom announced their bankruptcy, share price of Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Vodafone, Alcatel and other telecommunication companies experienced a significant downturn. For example, share price of Nokia experienced five-percent decline, Sony Ericsson descended nine percent, and Vodafone descended 17 percent. Meanwhile, Alcatel experienced heaviest blow by descending 17 percent momentary gratuities after announcing of expense amputation meaning employees reduction . II. 4. Avoidance and Preventions in Future Most of accounting scandals involve insiders (85% of scandals). Another 55% of accounting scandals also involve high-level managements and company’s executives. All insincerity will generate bad impact for company and company stakeholders. Therefore, it requires some prevention action so that a coming fraudulent can be avoided. There are some ways to avoid the fraud in a company: (Waymark, 2006) Observe the financial accounting One of important matters is to give more attention to company financial reports. A research finds that companies focus more on asset misappropriations and computer crimes (63%) while deception of financial accounting only 21%. Observing the executives Second way is to observe all company’s executive in the moment of company merger, after promotion, and new market extension. This is because all executives have work and serve company in a long time. However, if we consider facts and results of fraud, we find that executives conduct a lot of fraud in a company. Reference: ‘How Did WorldCom Go Bankrupt? ’ 2002. Retrieved June 19, 2007 from www. securitiesfraudfyi. com/ ‘Is the backbone broken? ’ 2002. Retrieved June 19, 2007 from http://money. cnn. com/ Midleton, James. 2002. ‘WorldCom domino effect begins’ Retrieved June 19, 2007 from vnunet. com/vnunet/news/2119227/worldcom-domino-effect-begins Waymark, Stuart. 2006. ‘Preventing Corporate Fraud: Know and avoid the myths’. Retrieved June 19, 2007 from http://int. sitestat. com/ernst-and-young/south-africa/s? South_Africa_Home. Media. 2006_Press_Releases. 14_Aug_06_Preventing_Corporate_Fraud

Monday, November 4, 2019

Socialization in Kindergartens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Socialization in Kindergartens - Essay Example (p62) Egertson, on the other hands focuses his attention on the injustices of the shifting of curriculum away from the child-centered approach to academic centered. He agrees with Harry that kindergarten should be a foundation level in which a child is prepared socially, emotionally and physically. This in turn will facilitate child development. He laments the current trends where by adults expectations to the child are given first priority over the interest of the child development. As a result the kindergarten schools have introduced "transition classes" (par.6) that have been both traumatic and disruptive to the child growth and development. Harry noted the expectations of both parents and staff in a Wright School kindergarten. According to the parents and staff, kindergarten experience help the child find an opportunity for physical growth that will satisfy his/her needs for "self expressions". In short the kindergarten experience would provide the child with an opportunity to grow happily and purposely with others... (p62) On the other hand, Egerson sees the parents and kindergarten staff expectations as the prime reason why the kindergarten curriculum keeps on shifting. This he argues has compromised the child socio-psychological development at kindergarten level. Egertson argues that, socialization process in a kindergarte... He further emphasis that, the responsibility of developing the child development oriented curriculum lays in the hands adults (parents and Staff). According to Harry, as much as parents and staff of Wright school agree with this, the parents and school have a responsibility to tailor a kindergarten environment in order to help the kids to develop a socially acceptable behavior. The goal of kindergarten school should be to help children "grow" in all ways: physically, emotionally, socially and academically. (p62) Harry observed that, teaching and learning of classroom routines is the main element of the student role. Kindergarten teachers spend almost the first half of the year in training the children to follow routines which teachers create. Children are drilled to tasks and activities created by teachers. These tasks and activities have to be done rigidly and repeatedly until the child knows exactly what he/she is supposed to do. (p63). Egerson notes the same trend when he argues that, most of parents view the kindergarten as the transition level where the child is prepared for higher grades. This he says have made some parents to delay their children until they acquire certain age that they deem is appropriate for their children to perform well. Harry was concerned with the lack of full involvement of children in formulating the tasks and activities. According to her, all the activities she observed in the Wright school which applies to other kindergarten schools were made by adults for the children. She was particularly concerned with the way children were made to follow familiar sounds during singing rather than helping the children follow familiar words in the "my country song". (p66). Though, this method

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homework - Assignment Example The article is intended for handicapped hunters so they can continue hunting with the use of the Liberator. As reported, the Liberator â€Å"contains a movable mount that can be fitted with a single shot rifle, shotgun, or a cross bow. Odland and Schafer modeled the joystick control which moves the gun or bow up and down or side to side after the joystick found on modern wheelchairs. There is a tiny camera mounted behind the scope of the gun which projects the image of crosshairs and the target onto a video monitor the hunters can easily view from their wheel chairs† (Yankovich, 2010, par. 6). The author is actually an entrepreneur who owns a jewelry shop in Lowell, Michigan. He had first hand access to the information knowing Pete Odland personally from their common demographic location. The article provided relevant information as a unique and useful design to assist handicapped hunters in regaining mobility to enjoy what they love most. The innovative design was able to hel p hunters regain â€Å"the freedom for physically challenged people to â€Å"do it themselves†.