Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The argument of whether God exists or not Essay Example for Free

The contention of whether God exists or not Essay The contention of whether God exists or not is a since quite a while ago discussed contention spreading over the hundreds of years. In David Humes Dialogs Concerning Natural Religion this point is tended to through an exchange and discussion between Humes anecdotal characters Cleanthes and Philo. Cleanthes presents the contention that Gods presence can be affirmed to man and presents this contention as the Argument from Design. Philo then offers a few protests with regards to why this contention fizzles. This paper will examine Cleanthes Argument from Design and detail Philos analysis of Cleanthes position. This analysis will incorporate the similarity identified with the induction of Gods presence dependent on perception of our universe just as Philos analysis that unconstrained request found by age and vegetation neglect to help proof of a maker. To loan further help to Philos contention, it is imperative to decide whether the universe is, truth be told, in a condition of request, and whether God, being commonly acknowledged as baffling and mysterious by the strict, is totally understandable through induction as proposed by Cleanthes. These contentions introduced by Philo loan backing to why the Argument from Design comes up short. David Hume presents through his character, Cleanthes, the contention that the nature and presence of God can be demonstrated through surmising dependent on perception of our universe. Cleanthes endeavors to demonstrate this in his Argument from Design, which expresses that by seeing the regular excellence and precision of the universe, its multifaceted nature and unpredictability, that we can construe without a doubt that a preeminent creator made the universe. To additionally explain, as found in the online reference book concerning this contention, Wikipedia states, Although there are varieties, the essential contention can be expressed as follows: 1) Every structure has a creator; 2) The universe has exceptionally complex plan; 3) Therefore, the universe has a Designer (Wikipedia, Section: Argument, standard 4). Cleanthes position is that the nature and presence of God can be affirmed through induction of our apparently deliberate universe. A relationship to endeavor to set and demonstrate this position is regularly utilized by observational belief in higher powers by expressing that comparative machines concocted by man are in like manner frequently extremely mind boggling and it along these lines normally follows that since man made machines are intricate and have a fashioner then it is protected to presume that in light of the fact that the universe is additionally perplexing it, as well, has an originator. Observational belief in a higher power claims there is an architect and designer answerable for our condition and that the presence of God can be affirmed by reason through deduction. These premises structure the significant purposes of the Argument from Design Hume transfers in the content through his character Cleanthes position. Philo offers counter contentions, one of which asserts that the similarity of the methodical universe and machines is a feeble one and it follows that any thinking done dependent on the relationship will likewise be frail (Spark Notes, Par 4). For this similarity to be effectively utilized, the machine that is depicted must not be a piece of the universe however exist outside of the universe. Both the universe and the machine must be totally unrelated of one another and not one a piece of the other for the similarity to work. The inquiry lies in whether everything is made by a preeminent maker. A machine is a piece of the universe and it is being proposed by Cleanthes that the universe was made by God. Conceded a machine may have been made by a man however the man could conceivably have been made by an incomparable maker. The machine must exist autonomously and beyond the universe to be a conceivable similarity with respect to whether it was made by a preeminent creator or not. On account of this reality, reason can't be utilized to finish up with this similarity that derivation will uncover supreme information on Gods presence bringing about the Argument from Design being flawed. Alongside this contention Philo makes against Cleanthes Argument from Design is that all request that we can observer isn't really the aftereffect of wise plan and can't be affirmed by induction or our faculties. Philo states that some request, for example, that found in natural bodies, is brought about by age and vegetation (Spark Notes, standard 5). It is this contention that underpins that the Argument from Design is wrong. Investigating Philos contention, some clear request as found among species and vegetation might be the aftereffect of the right conditions to exist wherein the request has come to fruition by the laws of the universe that direct the procedures. The Big Bang hypothesis is one case of this. Advancement is another. Conditions existed normally to achieve the riotous blast toward the arrangement of the close planetary system represented by the laws of the universe that exist. Earth conditions made it appropriate for life to develop. Science has since a long time ago acknowledged the hypothesis of development and the Big Bang hypothesis and backing is developing as science propels on the side of these speculations. These logical speculations loan backing to Philos contention that request found among natural bodies is because of procedures that normally happen and not by any aims of a planner. Cleanthes guarantees that surmisings made while seeing the universe and the Earth whereupon we live and the procedures that oversee our reality, for example, the laws of nature and the universe affirm the presence of God. We can expect that the request we see is the consequence of a celestial maker, however that derivation is simply a hunch and isn't, accordingly, total assuredness. It is what is known as an informed conjecture. Taught surmises are surmises dependent on induction. Some of the time they are right. Different occasions they are most certainly not. In any case, instructed surmises are not supreme information on something, and for this situation it isn't outright information on the presence of God and the Argument from Design comes up short. Philos contention that these regular procedures that exist on our planet and all through the universe don't loan supreme information on a celestial maker is right. The watchwords are outright information. While there may have been a maker behind the procedures of arrangement of the universe or the laws that oversee its evident efficiency, it isn't total assuredness that that is so through surmising alone and that is the thing that the Argument of Design indicates to claimThat total information on Gods presence can be construed. Thirdly, with respect to Philos contention that numerous procedures are the consequence of age and vegetation one can likewise address whether the earth, nearby planetary group, or universe is, actually, a condition of efficiency. It might be an error to expect that we live in a systematic universe or on a planet of request. It is conceivable that our nearby planetary group and planet are in a condition of sloppiness and bedlam. Since we exist and can get by in our condition, we accept this is deliberate. Mankind lives in an air pocket or aquarium, the planet earth. Some request brought about by age and vegetation may probably be the aftereffect of the right conditions precipitously being available for life to endure; be that as it may, we are powerless to riotous action, the common developments of the structural plates of the earth causing seismic tremors, Tsunamis and tornadoes, outside impacts in our nearby planetary group and the universe, for example, space rocks and comets, scattered, irregular, disordered occasions that undermine our own reality. Because life exists and can make due on this planet doesn't comprise a condition of request. For Cleanthes to have the option to gather from efficiency that a celestial maker was the reason for the request, one should above all else decide if the universe, close planetary system, and our plant, truth be told, are in a condition of request. In the event that these things are in a condition of turmoil and confusion, at that point no derivation as to configuration can be made nor can the presence of a planner be induced effectively or affirmed with outright information. At long last, on the side of Philos contention against the Argument from Design, it is difficult to legitimately close by surmising that an incomparable maker is behind the production of our universe or planet and this is confirm by the general strict mainstream thinking that God is puzzling. As characterized by Dictionary. com, the word strange conveys the significance Of darken nature, which means, cause, and so forth , perplexing, odd (Dictionary. com, standard 3). To be puzzling is to not completely be comprehensible. On the off chance that God works in baffling manners as is ordinarily asserted, at that point the very idea of God and what he has or has not made is only that, puzzling and not completely understandable as characterized. This likewise loans backing to Philos contention that the Argument from Design falls flat. The contention of whether God exists or not is a since quite a while ago discussed contention crossing the hundreds of years. Philos contention that the relationship utilized by Cleanthes contrasting a machine and the universe is frail loans backing to the way that surmising isn't total information on an awesome maker. The explanation behind this is a machine is a piece of the universe or entirety. For this similarity to work, they should be totally unrelated. Besides, Philo calls attention to that some normal procedures are the aftereffects of age and vegetation, common procedures that are autonomous of any maker however happen normally. In the event that such marvels happen precipitously without intercession or maker, at that point it is conceivable the universe came to fruition likewise. Thirdly, so as to have the option to surmise with outright information on a heavenly maker dependent on perception of an efficient situation, we should decide if, indeed, the earth where we live is in a condition of deliberateness or on the off chance that we are a piece of a disordered universe. In the event that we are not part of a methodical universe but rather it, truth be told, is confused and scattered, at that point the subject of whether an awesome maker is included is an unsettled issue. At last, famous strict conviction concurs that the very idea of God is one of a baffling sort. On the off chance that God is puzzling, by definiti

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Win Friends and Influence People essays

Step by step instructions to Win Friends and Influence People articles Dale Carnegies book How to Win Friends and Influence People gives techniques for guidance and models regarding how to triumph in the social world. It remembers sections for how to deal with individuals, how to make individuals like you, how to win individuals in your mind, and how to be a pioneer. The book starts with an introduction of proposals on the best way to get the greater part of the book. These incorporate investigating it occasionally and taking the proposals with a receptive outlook and earnestness. The main part opens the peruser to the procedure of how to deal with individuals effectively. It underlines that so as to comprehend individuals one must respect the circumstance from their perspective. A great many people have explanations behind choosing what they do. The individuals who perpetrate violations and burglarize stores don't see themselves as awful individuals. Criminals, for example, Al Capone viewed themselves as neglected and unrecognized open supporters, not as foes of the state. Individuals don't denounce themselves, so for what reason would it be a good idea for one to censure others? Exercise one discloses to the peruser that one ought to never reprimand, gripe, or denounce others. Rule two recommends that you give individuals your earnest and fair appreciation. An individual ought not think about his achievements or victories, yet praise others on theirs. The most significant thing one can give another is his certifiable appreciation. I consider my capacity to s timulate energy among individuals the best resource I have, and the best approach to build up the best that is in an individual is by gratefulness and consolation. - Charles Schwab You can compromise individuals forcibly or cruel words, yet the best way to get others to do what you wish is to give them what they need. What do they need? Appreciation. Rule three in the crucial procedures of taking care of individuals manages how to stimulate in the other individual an enthusiastic need. It is anything but difficult to tell individuals your necessities, yet nobody needs to hear them. Individuals are just intere... <! Step by step instructions to Win Friends and Influence individuals expositions Step by step instructions to Win Friends This book was written in 1936 by Dale Carnegie. A portion of the terms and jargon utilized are dated however the exhortation and data can even now be utilized today. It manages correspondence with others and the requirement for all gatherings to have the option to see the goal from the others' perspective. The point of view of the book is from a place of intensity or the executives yet it tends to be helpful to anybody that understands it. While this book is valuable, it ought to be recalled that it was composed during when the individuals in the workforce had an exceptionally solid protestant hard working attitude associated into them. The book is separated into four sections, and they are: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People. The following segment is called: Six Ways to Make People Like You. The third section is titled: How to Win People in Your Mind. The last section is called: Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment. The titles to the segments are fairly dull and suggest control as opposed to comprehension or bargain however the book stresses seeing things from the perspective of others and settling strife in commonly worthy manners. The accentuation of the book is training the abilities important to utilize the teaming up struggle style and conduct alteration. The main area, Fundamental Techniques in Handling People, has three standards. 1) Don't scrutinize, denounce or gripe; this is the most troublesome one to oversee. 2) Give legitimate, true appreciation. Everybody has some positive attributes. 3) Arouse in the other individual a craving to please. Utilizing these standards advance the capacity for the people to have an open, genuine discussion. This thusly makes a positive air for compromise. The six standards of the subsequent section are, Six Ways to Make People Like You, 1) Be truly inspired by others. 2) Smile at individuals. 3) Remember and utilize a pe... <!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Best Subreddits for University Students

The Best Subreddits for University Students The Best Student Resources on the Internet The Best Student Resources on the Internet The vast majority of students at postsecondary institutions around the world are likely not fully aware of the range of student resources they have at their disposal, both on and off campus. While it is easy to Google queries and find answers to questions on the fly, crafty students understand that there are a wealth of resources on the internet which can, and should be consulted on a regular basis to make university life more manageable and enjoyable. Chances are, too, that if you are a university student you, like most people, are not immune to spending counterproductively large amounts of time on places like Reddit. Luckily, Reddit is not an inherent waste of time. It’s how you use and browse the site that makes all the difference. Below are some of the best subreddits you can subscribe to if you are a university student. Personal finance One of the biggest knowledge gaps in the world that can heavily dictate individual success, across cultures, is the financial literacy gap. Most people, if they are not completely financially illiterate, don’t really know enough to competently manage their personal finances. It’s not their fault. Most societies fail to make it a priority at either the secondary, or postsecondary level. The financial literacy gap, however, isn’t just a matter of forgone knowledge, it can translate into thousands of dollars for university students. If you are in the process of curating your Reddit home page, consider checking out the personal finance subreddit. Personal finance is subscribed to by over 13.5 million people, and contains troves of knowledge about how to make personal financial decisions, big and small. Many of the people commenting and responding to questions are experienced financial services professionals, or people who have already had to ask and answer the same questions in the past. It is a great resource to check up on daily, or even just when you have a finance question you need answered. Eat cheap and healthy Another great student resource on Reddit is the subreddit “Eat Cheap and Healthy.” Part of academic success comes down to how well you look after your mind and body. You can only push yourself so hard on substandard fuel and sleep before your body starts refusing to cooperate. If you know what you are eating is trash and, furthermore, if you are spending too much money on hollow calories (fast food is actually surprisingly expensive), check out this subreddit for meal tips. It might completely revolutionize how you think about eating and shopping while studying. Many people, especially students, are under the impression that university is about sacrificing your eating and dietary standards for four years for the sake of your education. The old familiar trope of university students eating packaged ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is still a popular one. But you can actually eat quite healthily on a budget if you know how to shop and what to make. This subreddit has great information and tips for doing so, and provides a lot of inspiration. Your school’s main or student resources subreddit Reddit has now become the third most popular website in the United States after Google (number 1, obviously), and YouTube. Reddit has real pop-cultural, political, and social influence, meaning that is has become an important part of most businesses and institutions’ online presence. If you go to a big, well-recognized university, and even at many smaller ones, there is a good chance they have their own reddit page. These are another category of good subreddits for students, and often act as supplementary student resources for people wanting to know what is going on around campus. They often contain threads about deals, or offers to be found on campus that might otherwise be poorly advertised, as well as information about events, rallies, protests etc. that are of consequence to student life on campus. It could also function as a way to meet like-minded people. If you find someone talking about something you find interesting, or are having a conversation with a fellow-student and it is engaging and seems to be going well, you can even send them a private message and ask if they’d like to meet for a coffee, or a beer, etc. Your area of study’s subreddit(2) Another great student resource to be found on reddit are subreddits that have to do with your area of study. The subreddit “Engineering,” for instance has 210,000 subscribers. The “Political Science” subreddit has 10,800 subscribers, the “Philosophy” subreddit has 13.5 million subscribers, and the “Ask History” subreddit has 22,900 subscribers. These are just a few examples of discipline-specific subreddits. These kinds of subs are great places to ask people questions (often scholars, or experts), get pointed in the right direction before you start an essay, or find information and inspiration if you are stuck on a topic. Additionally, there are writing services out there that can help you plan, or edit a paper if you feel it needs some extra love and care. If you don’t already have a profile on Reddit, they are anonymous and free to make, and allow you to interact with millions of people from around the world who are a wealth of new information and inspiration. Reddit is definitely one of the most helpful student resources out there. Whether you use Reddit on a regular basis for news and entertainment, or are completely new to the platform, there are so many great subreddits to add to your list of subscriptions that are truly helpful and beneficial to university students. Instead of spending all your time on Reddit consuming gossip and media that doesnt improve your knowledge, or make your life better and easier, think about ways to leverage the website’s immense potential to your advantage. Keep the above subreddits for university students in mind, and for all other academic and writing-related matters, reach out to Homework Help Global 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. References: Farrington, R. (2014). “The financial literacy gap costs college graduates thousands.” Forbes. Retrieved from: #7930ac694fb2 Desreumaux, G. (2018). “Sorry Facebook, Reddit is now the Third Most Popular Site in the U.S.” Wersm. Retrieved from: The Best Subreddits for University Students The Best Student Resources on the Internet The Best Student Resources on the Internet The vast majority of students at postsecondary institutions around the world are likely not fully aware of the range of student resources they have at their disposal, both on and off campus. While it is easy to Google queries and find answers to questions on the fly, crafty students understand that there are a wealth of resources on the internet which can, and should be consulted on a regular basis to make university life more manageable and enjoyable. Chances are, too, that if you are a university student you, like most people, are not immune to spending counterproductively large amounts of time on places like Reddit. Luckily, Reddit is not an inherent waste of time. It’s how you use and browse the site that makes all the difference. Below are some of the best subreddits you can subscribe to if you are a university student. Personal finance One of the biggest knowledge gaps in the world that can heavily dictate individual success, across cultures, is the financial literacy gap. Most people, if they are not completely financially illiterate, don’t really know enough to competently manage their personal finances. It’s not their fault. Most societies fail to make it a priority at either the secondary, or postsecondary level. The financial literacy gap, however, isn’t just a matter of forgone knowledge, it can translate into thousands of dollars for university students. If you are in the process of curating your Reddit home page, consider checking out the personal finance subreddit. Personal finance is subscribed to by over 13.5 million people, and contains troves of knowledge about how to make personal financial decisions, big and small. Many of the people commenting and responding to questions are experienced financial services professionals, or people who have already had to ask and answer the same questions in the past. It is a great resource to check up on daily, or even just when you have a finance question you need answered. Eat cheap and healthy Another great student resource on Reddit is the subreddit “Eat Cheap and Healthy.” Part of academic success comes down to how well you look after your mind and body. You can only push yourself so hard on substandard fuel and sleep before your body starts refusing to cooperate. If you know what you are eating is trash and, furthermore, if you are spending too much money on hollow calories (fast food is actually surprisingly expensive), check out this subreddit for meal tips. It might completely revolutionize how you think about eating and shopping while studying. Many people, especially students, are under the impression that university is about sacrificing your eating and dietary standards for four years for the sake of your education. The old familiar trope of university students eating packaged ramen noodles for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is still a popular one. But you can actually eat quite healthily on a budget if you know how to shop and what to make. This subreddit has great information and tips for doing so, and provides a lot of inspiration. Your school’s main or student resources subreddit Reddit has now become the third most popular website in the United States after Google (number 1, obviously), and YouTube. Reddit has real pop-cultural, political, and social influence, meaning that is has become an important part of most businesses and institutions’ online presence. If you go to a big, well-recognized university, and even at many smaller ones, there is a good chance they have their own reddit page. These are another category of good subreddits for students, and often act as supplementary student resources for people wanting to know what is going on around campus. They often contain threads about deals, or offers to be found on campus that might otherwise be poorly advertised, as well as information about events, rallies, protests etc. that are of consequence to student life on campus. It could also function as a way to meet like-minded people. If you find someone talking about something you find interesting, or are having a conversation with a fellow-student and it is engaging and seems to be going well, you can even send them a private message and ask if they’d like to meet for a coffee, or a beer, etc. Your area of study’s subreddit(2) Another great student resource to be found on reddit are subreddits that have to do with your area of study. The subreddit “Engineering,” for instance has 210,000 subscribers. The “Political Science” subreddit has 10,800 subscribers, the “Philosophy” subreddit has 13.5 million subscribers, and the “Ask History” subreddit has 22,900 subscribers. These are just a few examples of discipline-specific subreddits. These kinds of subs are great places to ask people questions (often scholars, or experts), get pointed in the right direction before you start an essay, or find information and inspiration if you are stuck on a topic. Additionally, there are writing services out there that can help you plan, or edit a paper if you feel it needs some extra love and care. If you don’t already have a profile on Reddit, they are anonymous and free to make, and allow you to interact with millions of people from around the world who are a wealth of new information and inspiration. Reddit is definitely one of the most helpful student resources out there. Whether you use Reddit on a regular basis for news and entertainment, or are completely new to the platform, there are so many great subreddits to add to your list of subscriptions that are truly helpful and beneficial to university students. Instead of spending all your time on Reddit consuming gossip and media that doesnt improve your knowledge, or make your life better and easier, think about ways to leverage the website’s immense potential to your advantage. Keep the above subreddits for university students in mind, and for all other academic and writing-related matters, reach out to Homework Help Global 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. References: Farrington, R. (2014). “The financial literacy gap costs college graduates thousands.” Forbes. Retrieved from: #7930ac694fb2 Desreumaux, G. (2018). “Sorry Facebook, Reddit is now the Third Most Popular Site in the U.S.” Wersm. Retrieved from:

Friday, May 22, 2020

Communication Audit - 4023 Words

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report was commissioned to examine the effectiveness of internal communication of a reputed consulting firm that has widespread reach on domains such as media intelligence, PR, consulting and training to undergraduate students. The research process included conducting in depth interviews with two of the department heads and also with a reporting subordinate. Other sources include organizational statements posted online and the behavioural aspects of employees as monitored before and during the interview process. The research draws attention to key findings that the organisation fosters open communication and there is a strong commitment from top management towards employees. The communication channels applied most†¦show more content†¦Fig.1.1 Organizational Communication Balance This study tries to evaluate the communication between verticals of the firm as well as practices within a vertical. Furthermore, this report pays attention to formal and informal communication practices within teams. Johnson et al. (1994) defined formal and informal communication, while the audit goes one step further and analyse the pros and cons of the two models within the limits of our study and provide suitable recommendations. The audit was approached in three stages. Initially the audit critically analysed the mission statements and appraised the same. The next step proceeded by conducting in-depth interviews of two department heads and a subordinate employee to identify the gaps in communication. Also as secondary analysis we monitored the behavioural attributes of the employees. Later in the audit various ‘gaps’ were analysed and suggested recommendations that on implementation can fill these gaps. 2. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Although this study might bring out certain drawbacks in the existing communication structure, this exercise is an internal consultation process drawn to motivate employees (Furnham and Gunter 1993, P204 Sreejith). The structure of this study was to use a mix of personal interviews of 30 minutes each as the primary data, backed by analysing the behavioural traits of employees and the company’s mission statements. The long personal interviews were considered primary as theyShow MoreRelatedInternal Of An Internal Communication Audit825 Words   |  4 Pages2 2.1Internal corporate communications audit The primary purpose of conducting an internal communication audit is to ensure the corporate communication strategy in the organisation whether the proposed strategy meets the company’s goals. Audit can be processed by observations, analysis and evaluations, interviews, focus groups and surveys of employees and other key stakeholders who support needed to improve the internal communication strategy. Internal communication audit process Channel mappingRead MoreUnderstanding The Communication Audit And Goals, Before Using Qantas, Australian Largest Air Flight Service Provider1843 Words   |  8 PagesDefinition†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.2 2.1 What is communication audit?.....................................................................2 2.2 What is communication audit trying to achieve?.........................................2 3 Qantas†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 3.1 Identify Qantas’s current target audiences and their perception and motivation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 3.2 Identify Qantas’ goals †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦3 3.3 Methods to assess perception of current communication†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 3.4 Identify issuesRead MoreEssay on Apple Brand Communications Audit Analysis2072 Words   |  9 PagesApple Brand Communications Audit Analysis 1.Assessment of Apple’s Website: After browsing Apples official website, I think it did quite successful with an overall sense and expression of Apple’s brand image. 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Section 103 authorizes the PCAOB to constitute audit standards, quality control standards, and ethics standards to be used by registered publicRead MoreSystem Integrity and Validation - Kudler Fine Foods1033 Words   |  5 Pagesthe importance of audits and at a number of different types of audits that should be conducted to future evaluate the company as a whole. From our research we found that the most appropriate audits to employ are the SAS 94 and the Attestation audits (in particular, the data analytic review) (Cornwall, Sullivan, amp; Chandler, 2012). These types of audit systems seem to best at incorporating all of the functions of Kudler Fine Foods. During our research we have found that audits are a required portionRead MoreAudit History Analytics 694 Words   |  3 PagesOverstock is currently audited by the CPA Firm KPMG LLP and has been since 2009. 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Friday, May 8, 2020

The First Stage Is The Norm Of International Human Rights...

The first stage is the norm emergence. Norms emerge when they are actively promoted by actors with strong notions and an agenda of appropriate behavior – norm entrepreneurs. According to Hoffman, the entrepreneurs attempt to persuade other actors with the accordance of a certain norms or ideas which the entrepreneurs believe. Needless to say, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights drew on notions articulated in the 18th century: in American Declaration of Independence (1776) and the French Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789), and other bill of rights, and the constitutional experience of the United States was a major influence on the development of international human rights. The U.S. and other Western states are the human rights norm entrepreneurs who promote the prevalence of the individual rights around the world. During 1977 to 1981, when Jimmy Carter became the President of the United States, the Carter administration articulated and implemented a human rights strategy that would serve as the cornerstone of Carter’s foreign policy. In the Western Europe, Norway and Netherlands were becoming more activist in promoting human rights in their own foreign policies. After 1993, respecting for the human rights had been a condition for the European Union (EU) membership. The norm of human rights sprawled to democratic states quickly and the behavior of the U.S. and those Western states had the great international as well as the domestic influence.Show MoreRelatedThe Mdgs Are Norms Or National Economic Planning Targets?980 Words   |  4 Pagesthe MDGs are norms or national economic planning targets. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Vast Improvement in Oneself Free Essays

Many students today ask why they are so tired all the time. It also seems that people in college become more stressed out either because of grades or because of work. All people need to do is get the right amount of sleep, eating well, and exercise in order to feel better about themselves and feel good in general. We will write a custom essay sample on A Vast Improvement in Oneself or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is not a short process. Most experts say that it takes about twelve weeks in order to see results. But, it is guaranteed that after that duration of time one will see a vast improvement in oneself. Sleep is something that most people take for granted. It is the one thing that people are willing to compromise even more then food or money. It is estimated that between 40 to 60 million Americans are sleep deprived. Different people can get by with different amounts of sleep. There are some that can survive the next day with only a few hours. Then there are always others who cannot be called after 9:00 because they need those good solid 10 hours. The average person actually needs anywhere from between 7-9 hours a night. Why does one need sleep? When human bodies do not get enough sleep they tend to lose strength, the immune system decreases, and there is an increase in blood pressure. As students, it can effect concentration, memory, logical reasoning, and ability to do math. Now that the problem is known here is how to fix it. Dr. Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, focuses on consistency. The body needs consistency. This can be fulfilled by simply going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every day. But, it is important to note that making up for lost sleep on the weekends is a big negative. It is preferable that if one likes to sleep on the weekends wake up at the same time Saturday and Sunday. When going to bed it should take about 15 to 20 minutes to fall asleep. If a half-hour has gone by and one still is not asleep one should get up and do something relaxing (i. e. take a warm bath, read, watch TV, etc. ). Rita Mattson, a Certified Personal Trainer and Stress Management Counselor, makes the suggestion of drinking warm milk before retiring to bed because milk contains a high dosage of L-tryptophan which is a natural sedative. Sleep is just as important as any other part of taking good care of ones self. Another key aspect is nutrition. Nutrition is the main thing that keeps the body working. So, if one wants to keep the body working at a certain pace it needs to be fed. But, one needs to know the right foods. Think of the body as a car. People drive cars every day and some people are fast drivers who like to go above the speed limit and others are slower. Nevertheless, all cars need gas sooner or later. So, the owner of the car takes the car to the gas station and now he needs to make a decision on which type of gas to put into the car. He knows that he cannot use diesel because his car cannot run on diesel gas. The choices are now unleaded, super unleaded, or supreme unleaded. Every car driver knows that the better quality of the gas the better the car drives and performs. Bodies are the same way. Know not to use â€Å"diesel. † But, when it comes to the other â€Å"gases† one has to think what does the â€Å"car† need to perform its best. For that reason, there is the nutrition pyramid to tell us what our bodies need the most and the least of. It is important to incorporate refined carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables, and fruit to ones diet everyday to ensure that the body works. The body also needs some sugar and fat. Today, people focus on â€Å"non-fat† foods. Sometimes these are not good for the body because in order to make something natural fat-free you have to put in chemicals to alter the original make up of the food. Chemicals are difficult for you body to digest therefore in a case like this it is best to go natural. Another reason that one needs to eat some fat and sugar is because this is what the body burns when you exercise. Exercise is what â€Å"separates the boys from the men. † In other words this is the number one thing that must be done to maintain a healthy body. First, one needs to know their body and what their body can endure. That depends on age, weight, and current level of fitness. The last factor determines how fast ones body burns fat. Second, figure the basal metabolism rate (BMR). The formula for that, according to Margaret Deutsch, is for adult males: weight in pounds times 12; for females: weight in pounds times 11. Also, for every 10 years older than 20 one should lower the result by 2%. Next, understand that different programs work for different people. People tend to go by the fad when it comes to picking an exercise program. Do some shopping around to see which exercise is not only fit for you but also is something that you will enjoy. Aerobic exercise is an example. Aerobic exercise is exercise, which essentially uses aerobic pathways to provide energy to the muscles involved. It is sometimes called a â€Å"endurance exercise† which means that the heart rate is raised to 70 to 85% of your age predicted Maximum Heart Rate (MHR), and held at that point for a uninterrupted 20 to 30 minutes. Another example is weight-bearing exercises. This includes picking up weights that are a portion of your body weight. To remain in shape one does not have to do a lot of it but one should do some. It is important in any type of exercising to avoid injury to the body from stretching before exercising to wearing the correct clothing. Civilization tends to be aware of the former but ignore the latter. Sports bras are a common example of women hypocritingly exercising and at the same time injuring the body. Skin and ligaments (elastic connective tissue) provide a delicate support frame for the breasts that can be damaged by too much bouncing and stretching. There are two types of sports bras: compression bras and encapsulation, harness-type bras. The first works better for smaller breasted women because of the fit and the second tends to work better for larger women. When choosing the correct one for you take into account: the fit, how much support it is giving for the exercise that is going to be done, fabric (does it absorb moisture well), seams and stitching to avoid chaffing, and mobility. After taking all these into account one can be assured that he is well prepared for the exercise routine. In conclusion, all the factors mentioned above can lead to a less stressful life. Sleep can help the body relax to deal with everyday pressure. People who eat a diet low in refined carbohydrates, sugar and caffeine, and high in whole grains, have shown a greater ability to cope with stress as in contrast to those who consume the opposite. Exercise, as well, is a way to release stress and tension (i. e. running, kickboxing, stair stepping, etc. ). If one keeps all the factors in mind a healthier happier life can be achieved. How to cite A Vast Improvement in Oneself, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Romeo Juliet Essays (594 words) - English-language Films

Romeo Juliet Romeo Juliet Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's plays about tragedy. It is about two lovers who commit suicide when their feuding famillies prevent them from being together. The play has many characters, each with its own role in keeping the plot line. Some characters have very little to do with the plot but some have the plot revolving around them. Friar Lawrence does not have very much time on stage but the time he does have is crucial to the plot line. Through his words Friar Lawrence demonstrates the he is a good intentioned, yet sometimes short-sighted, man who is not afraid to take risks to help others One of Friar Lawrences most favourable traits is how good intentioned he is. He may do something out of the ordinary if he thinks the outcome will help someone he cares for. For example, when he says "In one respect I'll thy assistant be; for this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households rancour to pure love."(Act 2, Scene 3), he is saying that the only reason he will marry Romeo and Juliet is because he hopes that the marriage will end the hostilities between the two houses. When he says "Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift, and hither shall he come; and he and I shall watch thy waking, and that very night shall Romeo bear thee to Mantua." (Act 4, Scene 1), he tells Juliet how everything will be all right. Unfortunately, for all his good intentions the play still ends in tragedy. Friar Lawrence is a man who is not afraid to take risks when he feels it is neccesary to help someone. For example in Act 2, Scene 6, when he marries Romeo and Juliet, he is risking his reputation as a Friar so he can help the two lovers. Also, when he says "Take thou this vial, being then in bed, and this distilled liquor drink though off;" (Act 4, Scene 1), he is suggesting that Juliet drink a potion so that she might feighn her own death and avoid marrying Paris. This is an extremely risky thing to do because anything might happen to Juliet while she unconscious. Even after all Friar did to help Romeo and Juliet the play still ended in tragedy because of Friar Lawrences' short sightedness. When the Friar married Romeo Juliet in secrecy, he did not think of all the complications that would arise but instead went on with the marriage because at that time he thought it was the right thing to do. In Act 4, Scene 1, he gave Juliet a sleeping potion without thinking of the possible outcomes of such an outrages plan. He admits that much of the fault of the tragedy lies in his hands when he says "And her I stand both to impeach and purge myself condemned and myself excused", and when he say "Her nurse is privy; and, if aught in this miscarried by myself..." (Act 5, Scene 3). Although Friar Lawrence does not have an especially large role, his role is none the less important. It is because of his good intentions that he was willing to help his friends that Romeo and Juliet were married - a key event in the play. It is because of his willingness to take risks for his friends that Juliet aqquired the sleeping potion - another key event in the play. Finally, it was the shortsightedness of his actions that in part led to the deaths of the two lead characters. This demonstartes that Friar Lawrence was a man who was a man with good intentions who was willing to take risks to help his frieneds. If he had been any other way, the play might not have turned out the way it did.